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What Would Jesus Say?

I remember my parents and especially my grandparents saying "if you can't say anything good (about someone), then don't say anything at all." My wife read to me the other day an editorial that described an instance of road rage in which a taxi driver from New York responded with a simple wave to a fellow who had pulled out in front of him and nearly caused an accident, and who obviously was in the "objective" case and the "kickative" mood, as evidenced by the string of profanities and single finger salutes aimed toward the taxi driver. When questioned by his passenger about that response, the taxi man compared the other driver to a garbage truck, and said there are enough people spreading garbage in this world, and that he would prefer to spread a little friendship and beauty. It reminded me of an instance recently where another driver had nearly caused me to have an accident by pulling out from a side street across three lanes of traffic where I just barely stopped from hitting him broadside. He then proceeded to curse and swear and gesture that he was extremely angry, and at the next intersection he pulled up beside me and started banging on my passenger door from his vehicle. For once, I didn't lose my composure, but simply drove as if he had done nothing. Why? Because I had a passenger in my car--one of our retired parishioners from my church, and a friend. How often though do I forget that I always have a friend with me -- my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! In this world where people seem to have only garbage and anger to share, shouldn't we who know and have Jesus Christ be able to spread a little bit of HIM -- some love, and friendship, kindness and politeness? Why don't we? Why don't I?

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