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The Whirlwind

Within two weeks of the ER visit, I had been to see my PCP, a gastrenterologist who performed a colonoscopy, had more blood work and another CT scan, and was sitting in the office of my oncologist, confirming what had been suspected all along, I have colon cancer which has spread outside of the colon. The oncologist was confirming that the cancer was not curable unless God does something miraculous, but it is treatable. The treatment is chemo which I began yesterday and continue through tomorrow. This all after another whirlwind week in which Karen and I made a trip to Community North Hospital in Indianapolis (arriving the night before) and having surgery to place a port-a-cath a mere three weeks after the ER visit. Then after a consultation about the chemo on Friday, in less than four weeks we have begun treatment.

Community North Hospital

Xcela Port

Now I'm at work, wearing this "fanny pack" which contains an IV pump, and a bag of chemo solution, the longest running of the four I receive. So my schedule is set for the next few months. Every two weeks on Mondays, I go in to receive infusions, three drugs to counteract side effects, four infusions of chemo three in office, the fourth I carry with me using the pump to complete the infusion. On Wednesday I return to have the pump removed from my port. Then on Friday before the next chemo I have labs and meet with my oncologist. So every two weeks, and it will be at least May or June before we rescan, unless things change drastically. Thanks for your prayers. God is God, He is Good, and He is in control. To God be the Glory!

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