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Three Crosses

Found a picture the other day which got me started thinking. So I wrote the following poem as we celebrate the Lord's resurrection:

As the sun broke over the horizon that first Lord’s Day morning, there were still three rugged crosses upon that hill we call Calvary.

As the attention of the world turned to the empty tomb, the power of God was as apparent as the sunrise.

As the disciples saw him again and again, the risen Christ was preparing His church for His return.

As the Holy Spirit descended upon those gathered in Jerusalem, the church was empowered to spread the good news.

As the old rugged cross has become the symbol for Christianity, the other two must not be forgotten.

As one reminds us in Christ there is life and paradise, the other warns of death and doom.

As we celebrate the Lord’s resurrection, remember there are two crosses beside the one he bore.

Which one belongs to you?

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