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God's Little Blessings

From time to time God allows us the opportunity to share our blessings with each other. Earlier this month we had the privilege to host in our home Lucian Avadanei and his wife Rebecca, and daughter, Emily. Needless to say it's been a long time since Karen and I had such a small bundle of energy around us. And the house had a looming silence immediately upon their departure.

I've known Lucian since he was a teenager in the youth group at Piatra Neamt. It was Lucian whose call gave me a purpose to return to Romania last year. He was the director of the youth camp in which I shared. Rebecca was from Pennsylvania and met Luci while working in orphanages in Romania. Luci himself, grew up in an orphanage and so has a heart for the kids in those institutions as well as others. During his tenure as youth leader for the church, the youth group, which had dwindled to a handful, has returned to the size of previous years.

Lucian will be traveling on to South Carolina shortly where he will visit several churches which support his work. Then he will return to Pennsylvania before leaving for Romania. On the Friday (March 9) before he leaves on Sunday, he will be having one last meeting and effort to raise funding. He has asked me to join him in Lancaster that evening. I wish I were in a position to do a lot more for Luci financially, but alas I will share that with which God has blessed me. I know how far a dollar can go in Romania, so very little goes a long way. It only takes $120 to send a young person to camp.

Lucian has also asked me to return to Romania as camp pastor again this year. Please pray for God's direction on that.

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